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Fertility Assessment
An assessment with one of our physicians is a fundamental step in your parenthood journey. We provide you with an accurate diagnosis, and plan fertility solutions that work for you.
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IVF Treatment | Infertility Treatments in Dubai
IVF & Conception
Our success rates in IVF treatment are amongst the highest globally, and we pride ourselves in supporting families with the planning and delivery of healthy babies.
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IVF & Conception | Infertility Treatments in Dubai
Platelet Rich Plasma
We provide PRP services in the treatment of infertility, a medical service that uses the latest science to improve your chances of a successful pregnancy.
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IVF Treatment | Platelet Rich Plasma
Fertility Preservation
Through revolutionary technological advancements, First IVF is able to provide you with cryopreservation services that empower you to plan the timing of your pregnancy and parenthood journey.
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Infertility Treatments in Dubai | Fertility Preservation
Male Fertility Services
One in eight couples experiences difficulty with conception, and male infertility affects about half of those couples. At First IVF, we work with you and your partner to identify the problem and offer solutions that work best for you.
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Male Infertility Treatment in Dubai
Women’s Health Services
Your reproductive health is our priority and our team of experts is here to offer quality care to women of all ages.
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IVF Treatment | Women’s Health Services
Integrative Medicine
Our comprehensive approach includes integrating holistic medicine into your care for optimal health and wellbeing to carry your embryo to full term and a healthy birth.
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Infertility Treatments in Dubai | Integrative Medicine
Genetic Testing
Reduce the likelihood of genetic disorders with genetic testing and give birth to a healthy baby.
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IVF Treatment | Genetic Testing